Friday, June 26, 2020

God's Will or My Will?

Sometimes God’s will seems so mysterious. We wonder what he is doing. We’re at a loss as to how he might be accomplishing anything in our lives which could be remotely called good. While there certainly are times when God’s ways don’t make sense, more often than not, the mystery of God’s will is rooted in our ongoing battle with him to impose our will on him. Our confusion is not so much about why God is doing things the way he is but rather why he isn’t doing them the way we think he should!

The great mystery of God’s will is often resolved by realizing that what God wants for our lives very often is completely different from what we desire. If you feel that God is leaving you in the dark in regard to the direction your life is taking, join us for one of our weekend services. You might find God’s GPS, the Bible, will lay out a path for your life you never imagined.

New worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm; Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am.

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.