Friday, September 27, 2019

“Don’t Tell Me What to Do!”

Nobody likes to be told what to do. And that is probably why we have such a hard time with laws. We even have a saying which reflects this attitude, “Rules are made to be broken”.

There is one situation, however, when we not only want, but demand laws – that’s when someone is doing something we don’t appreciate. Then we’re all over the law thing, demanding that justice be done!

No doubt about it, we human beings are complicated. Sometimes we like things, sometimes we don’t. It just seems to depend on the circumstances we’re in. And that thinking pretty much summarizes our way of looking at laws.

God’s view on the matter of law is very much different. His take on it is there is an unchanging standard of right and wrong that doesn’t vary with how we feel at a particular moment in the day. These laws are called the 10 Commandments. In recent years they’ve gotten a bad rap. They’re called repressive, antiquated, even intolerant. Those descriptions could come from a personal bias however – a bias which comes from the thinking, “I’m going to live my life the way I want and not even God is going to tell me different.”

So, when we talk about the 10 Commandments, it really comes down to, “Who is our God?” Do we step up to that role on occasion so we can do what we want or do we let God take his rightful place, even when it doesn’t seem convenient?

The two words “radical” and “revolutionize” both have very strong meanings but they aptly describe what happens to human life when we accept God for who he is and willingly submit to his 10 Commandments – our lives are radically revolutionized!

Join us for our Sunday morning service as we begin a sermon series on the 10 Commandments.

Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

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Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.