Friday, January 18, 2019

The Extraordinary Jesus

More than nineteen hundred years ago, there was a Man born contrary to the laws of nature.

This Man lived in poverty and was reared in obscurity. He did not travel extensively. Only once did he cross the boundary of the country in which he was born.

He possessed neither wealth nor influence. His relatives were inconspicuous and had neither training nor formal education.

In infancy he startled a king; in childhood he puzzled doctors; in manhood he ruled the course of nature, walked upon the waves as pavement, and hushed the sea to sleep.

He healed the multitudes without medicine and made no charge for his service.

He never wrote a book, and yet more books have been written about him than any other person of history.

He never founded a college, but all the schools put together cannot boast of having as many students.

He never practiced psychiatry, and yet he has healed more broken hearts than all the doctors far and near.

He never marshaled an army, nor drafted a soldier, nor fired a gun; and yet no leader ever had more volunteers who have freely given up their lives to further his cause.

The names of the past, proud statesmen, scientists, philosophers, and theologians have come and gone. But the name of this Man grows in fame with each passing year.

His enemies could not destroy him, and the grave could not hold him. He stands forth upon the highest pinnacle of heavenly glory, proclaimed as God, acknowledged by angels, adored by saints, and feared by devils. He is the risen, the personal Christ – our Lord and Savior.
Text adapted from the writings of Evangelist Sam Jones.

Saturday evening service – 6:00 pm
Sunday morning service – 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.