Friday, June 30, 2017


We look forward to Friday, especially a Friday that is followed by a long weekend like this one. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why – we don’t have to go to work for a few days. We can relax, do what we want and just enjoy life.

Our love affair with T.G.I.F. is understandable, but it also speaks volumes to our understanding of work. For many, at best work is a necessary evil while in the worst sense it is like slavery.

“The beginning of an essay penned by Bob Black in 1985 entitled The Abolition of Work read, ‘No one should ever work. Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you'd care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.’ In a leisure-loving culture, many would wholeheartedly echo Black’s sentiment. Americans spend approximately 50 percent of their waking hours devoted to work. Is work a curse, or is it something that humans were uniquely designed to do? In stark contrast to the assertions of Bob Black, the significance and beneficial nature of work is a resounding theme in the Bible.”

Christian author Timothy Keller says this about work,

“Work is as much a basic human need as food, beauty, rest, friendship, prayer, and sexuality; it is not simply medicine but food for our soul. Without meaningful work we sense significant inner loss and emptiness. People who are cut off from work because of physical or other reasons quickly discover how much they need work to thrive emotionally, physically, and spiritually.” (Every Good Endeavor)

A good portion of your life is either being spent or will be spent working. Don’t you think it would be wise to find out what the One who created work in the first place has to say about it? Join us for one of our weekend service and together let’s walk in the Proverbs Way of Work Wisdom.

Saturday evening service: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning service: 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.