Friday, October 25, 2013

Before and After

“She’s gonna be alright. She just needs to rest. Give her some time, yeah. That’s all she needs. Time. Preacher, can you go in there and see her please. Says she wants a prayer…Thank you.”

The old man was shaking. Maybe he knew, maybe he didn’t, but his wife inside certainly knew. As the preacher walked in the dark little room he saw the emaciated figure of a woman from whom life was slowly escaping.

“He doesn’t know does, he?”

“Don’t know if he does or doesn’t,” replied the preacher.

“I know what’s happening. Say a prayer for me. Don’t need to be much. Just something to take away the fear.”

It was short and simple – nothing fancy or elegant. The preacher wasn’t much good at those kinds of prayers. So after a few words he said, “Our Father, who art in heaven….” The dying woman quietly began to pray with the preacher and for a few moments the two voices blended into one in the hushed darkness.

“Thank you,” she said when it was over. “Before you came I was a little scared. I’m ready now. Sweet Jesus, I’m ready for you to take me.” And she closed her eyes as she heavily breathed.

It’s a story of a time gone by. It’s a story of simple people with a simple faith. But that simple faith made all the difference when it counted. This coming weekend we are going to study the “before and after” of a person who comes to know Jesus Christ. While we may not fully appreciate the “before and after” affects of Christ’s forgiveness at conversion, we will certainly cherish them at the moment of death – when Jesus is the only one who can make a difference. Join us this Saturday evening (6:00 pm) or Sunday morning (10:00 am) for the “before and after” difference Jesus Christ can make in your life.

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

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Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.