Friday, August 20, 2010

Filling Up on Junk Food

A lot is being said these days about the large amounts of low quality foods we Americans are consuming on a daily basis. Some reports have come out even predicting that due to our bad eating habits, our life expectancy rate will actually fall in the coming years. What a testimony to the tastiness of junk food! We know it isn't good for us. And yet, we still eat it in huge quantities. All this is not new information; we've all had the personal experience of opening a bag of chips with the intention of eating just a handful only to leave it moments later half empty.
The most deceptive part of junk food, though, is that while it makes our stomachs feel full, it doesn't give our bodies the nutrients necessary to live a healthy life. Over the years, that lack of nutrition takes its toll, leaving us to deal with severe health issues.
While it gets far less attention from the media, many people today suffer from spiritual malnutrition. Spiritual junk food comes in the form of books, TV shows, and magazine articles which present life from an "It's all about me!" point of view. We're told to do whatever is necessary to make ourselves successful, fulfilled, happy--and always on our terms. And, we like to hear people tell us to live for ourselves; it makes us feel just a little bit less selfish!
The problem is, we know deep down that self-centered living is temporary. In the Bible that kind of life is described in terms of a flower that blooms in the morning and then is burned up by the afternoon sun. What we need is real spiritual food that will enable us to survive not only the heat of life's problems, but the raging fire of death. This Sunday, as we continue to study the first letter of Peter as we find it in the New Testament, we are going to see what real spiritual food is--the food of the Word of God. If you are tired of being spiritually tired all the time because you aren't getting the right food, join us Sunday at 10:00 am and fill up with food that will take you into eternity!

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.