Saturday, March 30, 2024

Easter Hope


No one goes through life without getting knocked down in some way. Whether it is a massive failure, a tragic accident, an arrogant bad decision or a broken heart, there are times when even the most faithful Christian wonders, “Is it worth it to keep on going?” 

Easter Hope is the life changing application of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because he overcame death, we can trust that everything he said and promised is true. Which practically means, no matter how often or how hard we get knocked down, there is hope, powerful and eternal hope which is more than enough motivation to keep on going. 

Easter is the best day in history because it changes everything. Christ physically returning to life after his crucifixion three days earlier means human beings go from meaningless chemical containers who lead empty, unimportant lives to people made to love and be loved for eternity, whose every day has eternal significance no matter how insignificant life at the present moment may seem. 

Experience all the best of the best day ever! Experience the hope that day offers you no matter where you are or what has happened. 

Sunday Morning Easter Worship – 11:00 am

Saturday, March 23, 2024

“Who Do You Serve?”


Probably the first and strongest reaction we have to that question is, “I don’t serve anybody!” But that’s not true. We all serve someone or something. For most of us, we bow down to “King Me”. That sounds strong, but “King Me” takes on many different forms. Some really do worship themselves, they’re the super self-centered kind. You know who they are when you talk with them. They can only converse on one subject – themselves! 

For others serving self comes in the form of worshiping another person. There is something missing in their own lives which they have found in another human being. While it seems like they are idolizing the other, the reality is, they are meeting their own need through someone else. 

And some people serve a dream or a goal. Maybe it’s money, it could be fame, or it might be power. But whatever they are chasing, it gives their life meaning, value and purpose. 

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, one of the most familiar of all Christian celebrations. Most people know Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey that day. Everybody seemed to like him at the moment, but then five days later they all changed their mind and demanded he be crucified! But Palm Sunday is more than just a springboard to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It is the day Jesus looks each one of us in the eye and asks, “Who do you serve?” That’s not only a healthy question to consider, where we spend eternity depends on how we answer. 

If you haven’t really thought about who you serve in your life, join us this Sunday. When you compare King Jesus to the other options, there very definitely is a clear winner. 

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

Friday, March 15, 2024

On Our Way Home


There’s no way to accurately describe the nervous yet joyful anticipation of going home after an extended time away which was not of our choosing. The seconds seem to drag like minutes and minutes like hours. The idealized images of unspoiled security and happiness flood our minds. Reality rarely meets our expectations, but it demonstrates the power the influence of home has in our lives. 

On the night before his crucifixion Jesus talked about heaven the way we talk about home. He had just told his disciples that their lives were about to be thrown into chaos and he wouldn’t be visibly present to help them through the trauma. Seeing the anxious looks on their faces, Jesus says, “Calm down. I’m going home to get it ready for you. Just keep that in mind when things seem to be out of control.” 

Many people speak of heaven as the “big amusement park in the sky” or “Candyland”. To them, it is a mythical place people talk about, wishing it actually existed but knowing deep down it doesn’t. For Jesus, heaven was just the opposite. Reality is heaven. Naïve hope is believing that the present life can meet our deepest needs. 

For Jesus, from the moment he entered this world on the first Christmas, he was on his way home. And he means for his disciples to live with the same perspective. The teaching of Jesus is controversial. He demands we take sides. Live for today or live for heaven. In 100 years, all of us will know who was right. 

If you’re up in the air about living for now or living for heaven but have recurring concerns that there has to be more to life than what you are experiencing right now, join us for our Sunday morning worship service. We’re all on our way home, either to a grave or to heaven. Doesn’t Jesus’ heaven seem a whole lot more appealing? 

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

Friday, March 8, 2024

Supernatural Serving


We can make all the seemingly strong arguments to rationalize what Jesus says, but, in the end, he said it and if he really is the Son of God, then we need to obey. The topic in question is serving. The night before Jesus was crucified, he washed his disciples’ feet. Then he turned to them and said, “…you also should wash one another’s feet.” 

If you are feeling a bit defensive, you have a lot of company. Most everyone is extremely hesitant about serving, and for various reasons. 

“Won’t people take advantage of me?”

Yes, they absolutely will. People took advantage of Jesus. In fact, people have disregarded and disdained what Jesus did for them for the last 2000 years. He knew this would happen, but he served anyway. 

“I can’t change anyone’s life. Whatever I do for someone else, it won’t make a difference?”

How do you know? Remember, it’s not you who are working the change in someone’s life, that’s God’s job. You and I are just the serving instruments. 

“But I don’t want to serve!”

Does anyone? Isn’t it the truth that rather than serving, we want everyone to serve us! That is why being a follower of Jesus Christ makes us different, radically different. 

Serving requires effort, patience, perseverance, and courage. But it is what Christians do because it is what Christ did for us. 

Join us for our worship service this Sunday morning. Serving may not be high on your priority list right now, but if you are serious about living a consistent Christ-centered life, then it needs to be. And one more thought, Jesus said “If you serve, you will be blessed.” Being blessed by Jesus –  isn’t that worth giving some thought? 

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

Friday, March 1, 2024

Forgiveness Is Not An Option


A wealthy European fashion designer once remarked, “Forgiveness is too easy…I prefer revenge.” In a sense, he was half right. Most of us do prefer revenge to forgiveness. The truth is, sincerely forgiving someone is possibly the most difficult thing a human being can do. There is a sense of vengeance in all of us which not only seeks to get back at the other person, but to annihilate them so that they will never dare to even try to hurt us in the future. 

Revenge is easy. Forgiving takes the supernatural power of God. And yet, letting go of the anger, hatred and bitterness which comes from being hurt is also one of the most liberating experiences a human being can have. 

Jesus told his followers that the essential result of receiving his forgiveness is then to be able to forgive other people. He intends that his forgiveness produces forgiveness in us. The absence of that kind of forgiveness demonstrates a lack of appreciation for who Christ is and what he has done for us. 

When confronted with Jesus’ command to forgive, our reaction is usually, “But no one knows what happened to me.” And that well may be true. No human being can fully go through what another has undergone. But Jesus does know what has happened to you. He knows not just intellectually, he knows by experience. There is not a person on this earth who can say they have begun to suffer the pain Christ did. And know this, the reason he went through it all was so that you would have the solid hope he will get you through your hurt. No matter what we’ve been through, we can all learn to forgive. We can be healed of our hurt. We can become more like Christ. Because, after all, Jesus is the Miracle Worker. 

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

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Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.