Friday, December 30, 2022

Follow the Star in 2023


It’s interesting that the most famous star in history really isn’t at all about astronomy, but rather with the people who followed the star and why. The story of a group of influential political and religious men suddenly dropping everything in their daily lives and putting themselves in danger to follow an enigmatic star has intrigued people for millennia. Why such effort, expense, and risk? In their own words, the so-called Magi or Wismen said, “Where is he who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 

How much these individuals understood the significance of the one born “King of the Jews” or their level of conviction, it was sufficient to compel them to take any measure necessary to find out more about this one to whom the star pointed. Isn’t that pretty good advice in 2023 for people professing to believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. 

Whether you have been a Christian for a short or long time, whether your understanding of who he is and what he has done for you is in its beginning stages or deeply embedded in your life, make the commitment of the Wisemen to find out more about him in the coming 365 days. Jesus never promised an easy or comfortable life to those who followed him. He did promise Truth and eternity. 

We stand at the threshold of a new year. Will you follow the Star in 2023? 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Friday, December 16, 2022



The technical sophistication of current Netflix and Amazon Prime mini-series makes shows of the past such as Gilligan’s Island seem like home movies. The writing and production skill has reached such levels that people will spend a day and night watching all the episodes of an entire season. We have even developed a new word for this addiction – binge-watching. Such a phenomenon is impressive given the entertainment savvy of the American people. 

It may sound counterintuitive, but the irony of our age is that our attention is consumed by stories which are of little lasting importance, and those which profoundly affect our lives, we ignore with an air of sophisticated boredom. Such is the case of Christmas. The opening words of Luke 2 can lead many to a state of drowsiness: “In those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed…” And yet, the story of God becoming a human being continues to be the one story in human history which stands as the most spectacular, profound, mysterious, exciting, and scary of all time. Try as you will, nothing comes close to it – especially when it dawns on us that our reaction to what we are reading determines the ”forever” of our lives. 

If your feeling toward the Christmas story is “been there, done that” or “same old, same old”, it might be you never really got below the surface. Join us for one of our weekend services – Christmas still is and always will be “the story of stories”. You owe it to yourself to get to the heart of it. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Friday, December 9, 2022

God Is The Promise Keeper


It’s easy to make promises, especially when we’re in a good mood. Someone needs help or some encouragement and so we promise to do something to resolve the issue.  Keeping promises consistently, however, is hard, extremely hard. And that is why when it comes time to actually carry through with what we said we’d do, we look for all sorts of ways to excuse ourselves from keeping the commitment. 

The consequences of not keeping promises, though, can be devastating. Promise breakers destroy trust and trust is the glue which holds relationships together. It isn’t uncommon to hear people speak bitterly of an incident which took place 20 years earlier in which someone had let them down by not doing what they had promised. There is even a saying about breaking promises that goes like this: 

“‘Promises are meant to be broken’ has broken so many hearts.”

It might sound negative to say that broken promises are always going to be a part of life, but unfortunately it is true. The reason is we live in a broken world filled with people who are very far from being perfect (including you and me)! But that sense of pessimism leads us to Christmas. While the focus of this season is on Jesus Christ and his coming into this world as our Savior, the whole story is really a “kept promise”. You see, from the moment evil entered the world, God promised someone, a human being, who would reverse the consequences of that evil. Throughout the entire Old Testament this promise was repeated and amplified. In the coming of Christ, it was perfectly fulfilled. 

If you’ve been the victim of broken promises or are dealing with the shame of being a promise breaker, join us for one of our weekend services. God is The Promise Keeper – all the time, in everything. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, December 2, 2022

The Doorbell


Fifty years ago, doorbells were certainly much simpler, but more often used. With all of our technology, personal visits in our homes are becoming rarer. For many of us, the main reason we have a doorbell is for the person delivering our packages from Amazon. 

Years ago, however, without such technology, the simple doorbell announced that someone was there. At times, the doorbell created feelings of excitement, like at Christmas. When the doorbell sounded it meant the relatives had arrived and the party would begin. At other times, the sound of the doorbell brought a sense of dread, especially if you had just broken the neighbor’s storm window with a fastball that went a little high. The old “ding dong” doorbell meant someone was there and something would happen. 

You might say that Christmas is a spiritual doorbell for the human race. The message of this time of year is startling, shocking and even confrontational. In the person of Jesus Christ, God himself enters human history to change life in ways we would never expect. For some, this spiritual doorbell brings dread. Others are apathetic to the message. But for those who have become convinced of the truthfulness of the message, Christmas is a time of exuberant joy. 

This weekend we’re going to be studying the opening verses of both Luke and John’s gospels (biographies of Jesus’ life). The two introductions are very different, but read together they create an announcement of unending hope to a world that is fast giving up on that commodity. If you’ve been ignoring your spiritual doorbell, join us for one of our weekend services. The One knocking at the door of your heart is too good, too great, too loving to be left waiting outside. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, November 25, 2022

One and Done?


“Extinction” is the word used to express a growing number of peoples’ belief of what happens in death. We are all familiar with the term “extinction” when it is used in regard to certain species of animals. It means there are no more of those particular creatures. But what about a human being – what does it mean that an individual becomes extinct? In short, the person no longer exists. There is nothing, neither good nor bad. It’s all over. Nothing to look forward to, nothing to look back on. No consciousness, no peace…no anything. One life and once the last breath is taken, you are done! 

Most people for most of history have rejected the above theory. Different peoples have had different beliefs about what happens and why after death. But they vigorously believed that human life has a bigger purpose than to simply pass on strong genes and that this purpose is revealed in the accountability of each individual for the way they live their life. 

It seems that the biggest objection to the “life after death” and “God” hypotheses is that God has refused to give an exclusive interview to Stephen Colbert or Jimmy Fallon. In their view, if God doesn’t have the guts to go on air for each person to see for themself, then he just isn’t worth considering. 

There are, of course, many negative aspects of the “one and done” view. One person put it well when he said that anyone would go insane attending a funeral if he really believed he/she was going to die. The idea of a forever of nothingness, when considered sober, is not a pleasant thought. 

Unfortunately, the mention of life after death is often met by a chorus of “that is just brainwashed religious fanaticism.” Jesus Christ, however, did not flinch from talking about life after death with frequency. He talked about it with urgency and in detail. He very much separated life after death from religion and inextricably linked it to a person – himself. 

If you have some doubts about the “one and done” view of human life, join us for one of our weekend services. Even if you think it is just a remote possibility that there is life after physical death, you owe it to yourself to find out what Jesus Christ said on the subject. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Saturday, November 19, 2022



It is amazing how powerful words can be. Only a short phrase can bring someone to tears or spasms of laughter. Words are subtle. A person can say something which seems totally acceptable to all the people in the room except for one individual. To that person, those same words are a stinging criticism. Words well-spoken can change peoples’ lives for the better. Words poorly chosen can ruin relationships permanently. Words have meaning. Meaning which powerfully influences human life. 

Can you imagine life without words? How would we express our deepest emotions of happiness, gratitude, love, contentment, uncertainty, insecurity, despair? While it is good to be alone with our thoughts for a time, we all need someone to whom we can express ourselves. Words – they are one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. 

God is the God of words. And the most spectacular of all words we have are those spoken to us by God. The Bible is often called “God’s Word” because in it he has spoken to his creatures in a way that is intelligible and understandable. In the Bible we learn the most profound truths of who God is, who we are, the purpose of our lives, and most significantly, what happens after we die. 

2700 years ago, a group of Jewish men wrote under God’s inspiration. These men were called prophets, people who spoke on behalf of God. They left 17 books which are in the Old Testament. What they wrote is sometimes hard to understand, on other occasions hard to swallow. But always, their words are relevant and instructive to this very day.  

Christians often concentrate their reading of God’s Word to the New Testament, and there are some good reasons for that. But it can happen that our lack of reading the Old Testament prophets is due mostly to the uncomfortable challenges they present. And that is not wise. If you are up to a stiff, but healthy spiritual workout, join us for one of our weekend worship services. Sometimes what we don’t want to hear is exactly what does us best.

Friday, November 11, 2022


So the story goes, in the time of the majestic wooden sailing ships a fierce storm came upon a passenger vessel. All the travelers were quickly taken beneath the deck. As the hours crawled by with no weakening of the storm, many became worried the ship would make it through. Finally, one man declared, “I’m going above to see what is going on!” 

Cautiously the man slowly made his way to the deck, clinging tightly to everything that seemed secure. Poking his head through an opening he saw the old captain strapped to the helm. Rain dripping from his gray beard, veins bulging as he gripped the wheel, face intensely looking into the horizon. 

Suddenly the captain realized he was being watched. Turning to the frightened passenger, his face instantly changed. The tension gave way to a broad smile. The nod of the captain’s head and a mischievous wink were all the terrified man needed. He returned to his fellow passengers and confidently announced, “I have seen the captain, and all is well!” 

It seems there are times in life when we’re in the hold of a boat being mercilessly thrown here and there. Things don’t make sense. Our efforts seem to make no difference. We lose our confidence that there really is much value or meaning to our lives. 

The book of Daniel is our “meet the captain” experience. Through a series of dramatic events, we are assured our God is on the watch and all is well. We may continue to go through tumultuous times, but smoother sailing is ahead. 

If you are stressed out by what is happening in your life, by what could happen or might happen, join us for one of our weekend worship services. “All is well!” The One who made you and everything and everyone, is at the wheel of your life. Let him keep that wheel. That’s the way he made you to be. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Saturday, November 5, 2022



Not too hard to determine from the photo above who is successful. Isn’t celebrating a touchdown in front of 100,000 adoring fans the epitome of success? Absolutely – from a human point of view. Which leads to the question, “Is there any other point of view when it comes to success?” Actually, there is. Reading through the Bible we find that the way success is defined in the lives of believers is completely different. Apparently, God is not all that concerned with status, finances, or talent. Instead, we see a much different standard for success, one which involves trust, obedience, and faithfulness. That kind of definition for success certainly opens up the possibility for accomplishment to a far greater number of people. 

An inspiring example of God success is found in two books of the Bible people rarely read – Ezra and Nehemiah. These two men were key leaders in the return of the Jewish people to their homeland after 70 years of political exile in Babylon. The story isn’t particularly exciting. Both books are filled with a number of dry facts which most readers are tempted to overlook. There are no epic battles or emotional speeches. Really, it’s the story of a rag tag group of people who don’t have much going for them except an unshakeable belief that it was God’s will for them to rebuild their Temple and nation. What is inspiring is that their story can be our story. 

Each one of us struggles in some area of our lives. We work so hard to do what we believe is God’s will but see little progress. Our seeming lack of visible success leads to discouragement, even depression. The account of the Israelites’ return to rebuild their annihilated country with unimpressive results, encourages us today that success for those who serve God happens everyday in events which are small and great, and every type of event in between. Success is in his hands, he only looks to his followers to faithfully do the tasks he gives to us. 

Looking at success from God’s perspective, you might well be far more successful than you ever imagined. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, October 28, 2022

Reality Check


The older woman looked up from her hospital bed into the sad eyes of her doctor. “Loretta, how many times in the last 20 years have we talked about changing your diet. I’m so sorry, but I can’t promise anything about recovering from this heart attack.”

      Reality check.

 “You’re broke, John, that’s the plain truth. There’s nothing left. For the last three years I warned you about this every single month I did your financial report. There’s nothing more to say.”

      Reality check.

 “Son, I can’t give you this job. You just aren’t qualified to do much of anything. I mean, what did you do during high school? Didn’t you listen to what your teachers said about the need to study?”

      Reality check.

We’ve all heard people warn us, “What you are doing is going to have consequences and they’re not going to be pleasant.” But so often, we brush off those wake-up calls as unneeded advice from grumpy old people. But when their predictions come true, then it is a whole different matter. Reality checks aren’t usually pleasant.

For the last several months we’ve been studying the incredible history of the people of Israel during the period we call the Old Testament. During this era, God chose that nation to be his representative in the world – a privilege of incredible proportions. Tragically, that privilege went unrecognized and as the centuries progressed, God’s chosen people became his rebellious people. The only way to call them back was a reality check. And what a reality check it was; today we call it the Babylonian exile. In short, a nation which had existed for 1000 years was shattered in less than one.        

Had God lost his mind? Did he give in to his violent side? No, it was the only way to call his people back to him.

Rebelliousness runs through the veins of even the most dedicated believer in Christ. It will until we enter into his physical presence in eternity. Until then, we need to pay attention to the reality checks Jesus sends into our lives. It is, put simply, a matter of life and death.

         Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Danger of Blending In


For most of us, it is very awkward to stand out, especially when what calls attention to us is not favorable to the people around us. To disagree with the opinion of the majority or to look different than the rest of the crowd is so powerfully uncomfortable that our most frequent reaction is to try to just blend in. Definitely, there are times when blending in is wise. To be different just for the sake of being different not only undermines credibility, but it’s also obnoxious. 

There are, however, times when blending in cannot be an option. Think of all the great characters of history. Most were people who spoke against the status quo and suffered greatly for it. But in their stubborn defiance of the majority, peoples’ minds were changed, and the course of history altered. 

In no other area of life is it more disastrous to blend in than in our relationship with Jesus Christ. In his own words Jesus called his followers to be light and salt in the world. Those metaphors don’t exactly describe people who go along to get along. During the Old Testament, there was a time when the people of Israel chose to blend in rather than carry out their responsibility of representing God in this world. The results were shockingly disastrous. 

We live in a time when people are told to “leave your religion at home.” For disciples of Jesus Christ, that is impossible. To blend in is to lose what we have been given. If you feel that you are being carried along by the current of popular opinion but have the uneasy feeling that current is going in the wrong direction, join us for one of our weekend worship services. Standing out can be a refreshing alternative to blending in. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Don’t Play with Fire


It is hard to imagine life without fire. We wouldn’t be able to cook our meals, warm our houses, drive our cars, or manufacture most of our goods. Fire is a key part of so many things which make up our lives. Without it, we would be lost. But for all the good fire produces, we take very seriously the warning, “Don’t play with fire!”  The thinking behind that caution is obvious for anyone who has witnessed an out of control, scorching blaze. 

The same warning about not playing with danger needs to be applied to God. We don’t usually think of God as dangerous, but if we treat him lightly or as irrelevant, we will find reality to be very different. God’s committed love for human beings is indissolubly tied to his justice. If God’s goodness and righteousness are assaulted by human rebellion, He cannot sit idly by without asserting his justice on behalf of goodness and righteousness. We don’t often consider the truth that God cannot be good and loving if he is not also just and holy. It is, what we call, one of those inconvenient truths because it demands that we take God far more seriously than we typically do. 

When things are going well, we find it very natural to put God into a little corner of our lives with the intention that he is going to be quiet and mind his own business while we go about ours. If things go south and we need some help, then we demand him to take action. In essence, God becomes a genie in a bottle, only with the unlimited wish subscription. That’s playing with God. But playing with God is not only unwise, it is unsafe. God isn’t molded into what we want Him to be nor is He mocked by our attempt to manipulate Him. He is “all” everything in every way. You don’t mess with that. But why would you want to mess with God…especially when you look at the cross of Christ and understand how much He wants you to be part of his family? 

If you sense you’ve been playing with God recently, join us for one of our weekend worship services. Now, rather than later, is to get serious about the One who is eternally serious about you. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Raging or Revealing God?


Isolated in a remote, barren desert the people of Israel make camp before a stark, craggy mountain. The scene is a depressing contrast with the lush pastureland they had left in Egypt. But it was here they were told that their God was going to meet them. And meet them he did. With supernatural shock and awe God made it clear the Israelite people had better take seriously what so often is called that “religion thing”. 

Critics of the Bible explain the fire, thunder and lightening as products of a primitive culture which believed in a ranting and raging God who took sadistic pleasure by intimidating human beings. Accusing God of being a big bully is nothing new. Ever since Adam and Eve people have always blamed God whenever something happens they don’t like. 

To dismiss the God of Mount Sinai where he gave Moses the largest and most precise description of himself and what God wants from human beings would be ingenuous. Let’s face it, power demonstrations work. They get our attention. The IRS sending you letters to pay back taxes is one thing. It’s a whole different story when agents show up at your door asking you to accompany them. Power is real. Power needs to be respected. 

If God is worth being called God, power is a part of his personality. To deny that would be to deny God (and a lot of people choose that route). But there is so much more in the mountaintop meeting God had with Moses. When Moses reported what he had seen and heard to the people, those individuals had a greater understanding of who God is than any other people up to that time. The demonstration of power was God’s way of getting peoples’ attention so that he then could share with them what they needed to know about him. The account of the giving of the 10 Commandments is not about the raging God, but the revealing God. 

A prominent skeptic once said, “If I believed that God existed, the only thing worth living for would be to find out about that God.” Well, God does exist. And more than that, he has made finding out about him readily accessible. That access is called the Bible. 

Whether you feel you are raging at God, or he is raging at you, join us for one of our weekend worship services. God’s specialty is not rage, it’s revealing himself to people so that they might know him, receive his love for them and love him in return. Bottom line is that what the revealing God wants is for you to come back to the family. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

It’s Just Not a Good Idea to Mess with God


When it comes to taking on God toe to toe, not too many people rank ahead of the Pharaoh of Egypt during the time of Moses, about 1500 BC. Sure, he was the typical tyrannical ruler who did as he pleased to whomever he pleased, but what makes him stand out is he went 10 rounds with God, and he still didn’t give up on the idea that he could beat God at his own game. 

The account of God freeing the Israelite nation from slavery in Egypt, commonly called “The Exodus”, is a narrative full of drama and the supernatural. But above all, it is the timeless story of a human being telling God he is not needed. If anyone could say they visibly, tangibly experienced God acting in their lives, it had to be Pharaoh. From one predicted natural disaster to the next, Pharaoh would begin to soften towards God’s sovereign rule of his life, only to shut the Almighty down when life returned to a certain degree of normalcy.   

How different are people today? Not much! As long as life is good, we feel no need for God. When troubles come, we get mad at him for letting us suffer. We may begin to open to the idea that maybe we really do need him, but then the pain is relieved, and we go back to calling the shots of our lives. It’s like the guy who claimed that the proof God doesn’t exist or do anything in our lives is that you can curse and swear at him, call God joke and a fool, and not have anything happen. The same man who said that died of cancer a year after making those remarks. 

It shouldn’t take lightening bolts to get us to think seriously about messing with God. The absolutely consistent statistic that every human being who is born will die within 120 years at the most should get us to think more seriously about his role in our lives. Whether you are a religious person or not, the word “death” brings to mind some kind of judgment for if nothingness is the end result of physical death, all our hopes and dreams of having a purposeful, important life end. It just doesn’t make sense that life begins by chance, becomes meaningful while we are alive and then ends in oblivion when we die. The God hypothesis is much more likely. 

Join us for one of our worship services. Instead of messing with God like Pharaoh, receive the incredible invitation to join his family through Jesus Christ. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Have You Tried to Pull Yourself Up by the Bootstraps???


The meaning of the above phrase is generally regarded as “helping oneself without the aid of others”. Most often it is used to express the very healthy attitude that we should not depend on the charity of others when we ourselves are capable of meeting our personal needs and necessities. 

What complicates the message of the phrase is that unless things have changed in the last couple of hundred years, it is pretty difficult (impossible?) to actually pull oneself up by the bootstraps! The cartoon above illustrates the problem. So without in any way diminishing the importance of taking a healthy pride in providing for our personal life needs, it is important to admit that there are some areas in our lives where we cannot help ourselves. Ironically, it seems, those are exactly the facets of our lives over which we want control. The most glaring example of this is our relationship with God. 

Ask ten people, “Why do you think you are going to heaven?” and probably eight will say, “Because I’ve led a pretty good life.” Popular thinking is that when we die, we will present to God a list of all the good and kind things we’ve done during our earthly lives, and he will respond, “You’re good enough to go to heaven. Come on in!!!” That may be what a lot of people think, even people who identify themselves as Christians, but that is not what Jesus Christ or the writers of the Bible said. Quite to the contrary, Jesus taught that getting into a right relationship with God depends on God, not us! Our part is to believe, to trust. In fact, Jesus was downright brutal in his evaluation of our potential to save ourselves. He bluntly said, “You’re helpless. You need to be saved because you can’t save yourself.” That’s kind of offensive to the human spirit, but that’s what he said. 

If you aren’t really sure where you are at with God, join us for one of our weekend worship services. And before then, kick around these questions: 

How good is “good enough” to get into heaven?

What is my “good” score?

How do I keep score?

Do I have enough time to get to the “good enough” level? 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, September 9, 2022

“It Is What It Is!”

A few years ago, the phrase “It is what it is,” seemed to be on everyone’s lips. It was a way of saying, “I can’t really explain why this or that happened, but it sure is making my life hard.” 

Life is unfair. That seems obvious, but it’s extremely hard to accept when life is unfair to us. You’ve got to admit, if you were the big fish in the small bowl, you’d have to wonder why your situation wasn’t reversed with that of the little fish. 

About 4000 years ago there was a young man by the name of Joseph. He was a bright and talented guy who had 10 brothers who hated him so much they sold him to a bunch of slave traders who took him more than 300 miles from home and traded him as a piece of property. Now, Joseph may have been a bit arrogant, and his father did show favoritism, but did those shortcomings really deserve such drastic retribution? I wonder if when asked, “Why are you here living as a slave?” Joseph responded, “It is what it is.” 

Joseph worked hard for his owner, was blessed by God, and became the manager of the household. Things were looking up until his owner’s wife tried to seduce him. When he politely refused, she accused him of attempted rape and put him in prison. 

Don’t you think the question was asked, “Joseph, if you didn’t do anything wrong, what are you here for”? 

“It is what it is.” 

Joseph does a repeat performance in the prison. Soon he’s running the place. He meets two government officials who are troubled by enigmatic dreams. He interprets both dreams. One of the men is reinstated to his position, but as you might have guessed, he forgot about Joseph. 

Did another prisoner ever ask, “Joseph, what happened to the guy you helped? Did he forget about you?” 

“It is what it is?” 

You probably know the rest of the story. Joseph eventually interprets some dreams for the king of Egypt (aka Pharaoh) and suddenly after about 20 years of “it is what it is” living, Joseph finds himself running the Egyptian government. Sometime later Joseph is reunited with his brothers who sold him into slavery. They were, with good reason, just a little bit worried about how he would react to them. But by this time, he had learned that “it is what it is” didn’t explain anything which had taken place in his life. Instead, he responded, 

“Am I in the place of God? You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…Don’t be afraid.” 

You and I may not always understand as clearly as Joseph did the ways God worked through the difficult times he experienced, but we can have the same confidence that God is as active in our lives as he was in Joseph’s. If you are at a loss to explain why and what is going on in your life, if the best you can say is, “it is what it is”, join us for one of our weekend worship services. God does work in mysterious ways, but though they be mysterious, they are always the best.


Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Unlikely Hero


The individual in the graphic is the quintessential definition of a non-descript person. He literally blends in with the wallpaper. If someone would ask, “What grabs your attention concerning that person?” the only answer would be that he is bland, neutral, and common. Certainly not the stuff a superhero is made of. 

While most would agree that Marvel Superheroes and Biblical Superheroes are more different than alike, still, we expect more from the so-called spiritual giants of the Bible than from ordinary run of the mill Christians. We would expect them in some way to stand out. But that is not what we find in the Bible. The people God uses to accomplish the most for him are very often those from whom we would expect very little. That is surely the case with Jacob. It’s not that Jacob is unintelligent or lacked talent. His problem was an inside job. He couldn’t get enough of himself. Jacob was a “I’ve got to look out for myself” guy. A survivor. And yet, God took him and taught him through his bad decisions that God’s ways were better than his ways. The end result? God took a man with little spiritual credibility and turned him into a spiritual giant. 

The chapters in Genesis which record the account of Jacob are not about a man turning his life around. No, it’s the story of God turning around the man. The life of Jacob is without a doubt, a God thing. 

“So what?”, you ask. Well, the application is pretty simple, but very personal. If God can change Jacob, he can change you and me. The question is, are we willing to be changed? If your answer is “yes”, join us for one of our weekend services. If your answer is “no”, join us anyway. You might find more take aways from how God worked in this man named Jacob than you thought. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Friday, August 26, 2022



We live at a time when the most important question seems to be, “How does it make you feel?” When feelings are king, commitment tends to fade into the background for the simple reason, often commitment requires that we dismiss our feelings to do what is right and necessary. That is why some say that the institutions of our country such as marriage, family, patriotism, and morality are crumbling. Upholding these foundations requires our “feel good” addiction to be put on hold while we commit ourselves to accomplishing what is necessary. Many are unwilling to do that, and the result is more and more self-centered individualism. We have become a society of people going through life alone – and it is by choice. 

Interestingly, when we see how God works in the world which he created, the word “commitment” aptly describes his actions. God is 100% faithful to the human race. He’s not giving up on us and he’s not going to let negative feelings caused by our rebellion against him in any way dampen that commitment. Regardless of the personal cost, God comes to people with the offer of a renewed relationship with him which has no strings attached. The cross of Jesus Christ is the ultimate expression of his commitment to our eternal good. 

This weekend, we’re going to be studying the life of Abraham. We often think of this man’s strong faith in God which he demonstrated over a period of many years. But the real story is that Abraham’s faith was the product of God’s commitment to him and all of humanity. If you’ve got the strange feeling that maybe feelings are being overrated, join us for one of our weekend services. Experiencing God’s commitment has a powerful way of changing the way we look at things. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, August 19, 2022

Sin Never Stays Small


If you’ve ever experienced the pain of food poisoning and wondered how it came on so fast, read the following description of how bacteria multiply.


When conditions are favorable such as the right temperature and nutrients are available, some bacteria like Escherichia coli can divide every 20 minutes. This means that in just seven hours one bacterium can generate 2,097,152 bacteria. After one more hour the number of bacteria will have risen to a colossal 16,777,216. That’s why we can quickly become ill when pathogenic microbes invade our bodies. 

There is something much more dangerous than bacteria which also reproduces at an exponential rate when left unchecked – sin. Within three chapters of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, human life free falls from paradise to prison. The decision of Adam and Eve to be their “own gods” and live life on their terms produced a son who really did take matters into his own hands by killing his brother over hurt feelings. 

When human beings decide to be the masters of our destiny we get farther and farther away from God which in turn leads to greater corruption, violence and evil. At the end of Genesis chapter 1 God looked at all that he had made, and it was “very good”. In the opening part of Genesis chapter 6 we hear, “The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart.

What follows this description is one of the most well-known stories of the Bible – the Flood. 

The Flood account is an example of God’s perfect justice combined with his perfect grace. It is a judgment and a fresh start. Above all, it is a story which gives human beings hope that God hasn’t given up on us. Join us for one of our weekend worship services. None of us can hear that message too often. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, August 12, 2022

Why Is Life So Hard?


Why is life so hard? That question indicates there is something in us all that senses things should be different. We should be kinder, more patient, more compassionate with one another. Maybe the best way to say it is: we know that life would be a whole lot better if we would think about ourselves less and others more. But then, why would we do that? Looking out for others means cheating ourselves out of what we want. And so, we live wanting a different world but unwilling to do what is necessary to make it happen. How strange! How human! 

The biblical answer for the question, “Why is life so hard?” is brutally straightforward. Life is hard because of an event many years ago in which people decided things would be better without the God who created them. It was a decision which has brought unimaginable suffering and pain, so much so we are overwhelmed even trying to think about it. 

The account of Adam and Eve falling for Satan’s temptation at the beginning of human history is dismissed by some as a fairy tale. Upon close reading, however, it not only provides solid answers for questions about the hardships of life, even more importantly, it offers the hope that there is an alternative! If life is weighing you down with its challenges, join us for one of our weekend worship services. There is light at the end of the tunnel, more light than any of us could imagine. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Is It Time to Take a Hard Look at Ourselves?

Confusion, bewilderment, even anger are words that describe many Christians today. So much has changed in recent years to rock our way of looking at the world. While the 1960s was the actual beginning of the changes we see taking place today, no one at that time would have ever imagined the social movements we see today gaining ever increasing popularity. What people took for granted concerning gender, sexuality, marriage, and family have been set aside for radically different visions of how life ought to be. 

We Christians, however, must ask ourselves the hard question, “Why have things changed so drastically when the Christian concepts of gender, sexuality, marriage, and family were held by the vast majority of Americans since the founding of our country?” Could it be that some or even many of us have not been convincing examples that God’s way is best? Have we deviated from his ideal, even crossing over into the thinking that we can define our own rules in these matters?

If Christians are going to be a part of God changing peoples’ hearts and minds, our hearts and minds must be totally committed to him and his principles for living. There are few issues today which are as controversial as sexuality, marriage, and family. There are few issues more important than these. As God’s representatives in this world, we need to be equipped and committed to not only presenting what he teaches on these subjects, but to living out those principles. Join us for one of our weekend services. Be a part of the change! 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Nothing to Go By


A man who volunteered to participate in an experiment spending three days in complete darkness thought he was going to catch up on lost sleep and cash in on some easy money from the research grant. Little did he know what he was in for. After the initial longed-for snooze, the man soon learned not being able to see anything had little to offer. Within hours he became frantic. Why? He had no reference points. Nothing to tell him where he was, what time it was, how much longer he had to stay in the darkness. There was nothing he could be sure of, and it pushed him to the brink of terror. 

There are those who say that life should have no reference points. Everyone should be able to live as they chose, believe what they want, be what they feel. It sounds attractive, but such a view of life puts one in a state of utter emotional, psychological, and spiritual darkness. If there is nothing of which we can say, “I know this for sure,” then how do we confidently answer questions such as, “What’s right and what’s wrong? For what should I be living? Am I accountable for the way I live? Are there limits to anything?” 

The first three chapters of the book of Genesis, which is the first of the 66 books of the Bible, serves as a foundation for life. It tells us about God, us, and our relationship with each other. It explains the point of life and how to live it out. It tells us what went wrong with human beings, why and even gives the solution. 

Everybody needs something to go by as they journey through their life. If you are wondering whether you either need to re-evaluate your reference points or add some more, join us for one of our weekend worship services. You might find that a story you thought was just for kids can change your life. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am

Friday, July 22, 2022

What’s at Stake?

Years ago, when older people wanted to encourage kids to take a risk and try something new, they would say, “Give it a try! It can’t kill you!” The idea behind the phrase was that even if the youngster failed, there wouldn’t be any great consequence to deal with. In many areas of our lives, that advice is good. So often we miss out on great opportunities because we are afraid to take the risk of trying something and failing. 

On the other hand, there are some things we might like to try but know are seriously dangerous, so we stay away from them. The stakes are too high if we fail. In the final paragraphs of his first letter to early Christians in Turkey, the Apostle Peter warns his readers about what is at stake if they let down their guard in resisting Satan. With graphic language Peter describes the devil as a vicious, hungry lion just waiting to devour the spiritual life of a person. 

For some, the concept of a super powerful malignant force interacting in human history seems ludicrous. But what else satisfactorily explains the ongoing, ever-present struggle between good and evil which is the history of the human race? How can we even define “good” and “evil” if there are no such things as God and Satan? There needs to be some standard greater than human beings by which we can make such judgments. 

When it comes to your life, what’s at stake is eternity. It’s not “one and done” for people. It’s “one and forever”. If you feel a bit unnerved by the idea that there is an extremely potent wickedness trying to lure you away from God for eternity, join us for one of our weekend worship services. The best news of the Bible is, you don’t have to be afraid. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Friday, July 15, 2022

What Is Your Goal?


In a motivational speech body builder/actor Arnold Schwarzenegger enthralled listeners with a story of his childhood which came to be the defining moment in his life. As an 11-year-old going to school one morning in his home town of Thal, Austria, young Arnold saw a poster of body builder Reg Park who also went to Hollywood to make movies. At that moment Arnold said to himself, “I want to be a body builder like Reg Park. I want to go to America and make movies. I want to make millions of dollars. I want to be famous.” From that point on, everything he did in his life was guided by that dream. At the conclusion of his speech Arnold said, “It all begins with your vision. What is your ultimate goal? If you don’t have a vision, all you will do is wander through life, probably very unhappy.” 

While you may not be a huge fan of body building or appreciate the drama of “The Terminator” films, one has to give Arnold credit, he kept his eye on his goal and he achieved it. The question is, was Arnold’s goal the most important? Many, many people would say, “Yes, absolutely.” Others, would wonder, “Isn’t there something more valuable to shoot for than money and fame?” 

The apostle Peter was probably a strong guy from all his years of fishing, but that wasn’t the point to his life. He had an encounter with Jesus Christ and that was the defining moment for him. Everything that he had known up until that point in his life now took a secondary place to knowing and living for Jesus. In a letter he wrote about 30 years after Jesus’ resurrection, Peter encouraged Christians to make the goal of their lives to be prepared to meet Jesus on Judgment Day. In an understated way he says, “The end of all things is near.” And then he goes on to describe a life dedicated to giving glory and honor to God rather than oneself. It’s definitely a counter-cultural message. But it does make one ask, “Is what I am living for going to mean anything when I die?” 

Whether you are an incredible success or feel you are kind of wandering through life, join us for one of our weekend worship services. After hearing what Peter has to say, you might consider changing goals. 

Weekend worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm – Sunday: 10:00 am 

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

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Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.