Friday, January 29, 2021

What Does God Want to Do in Your Life?


Figuring out what God wants to do in our lives is one of those questions we struggle with because we tend to think that what we want just naturally is what God wants. More often than not, what we want is a problem-free, pleasant life, while God is looking for a life of godly growth and productivity. We measure success by visible results which tangibly influence our day to day lives in a positive way. God sees success in wise choices, patient trust and persevering obedience.

A man by the name of Nicodemus came to Jesus one evening with the question, “What does God want to do in my life?” The answer Jesus gave him was at first confusing because being like the rest of us Nicodemus didn’t initially appreciate what Jesus was offering. We know that later in his life he did because he became one of Jesus’ disciples. But at that first meeting, Jesus turned Nicodemus’ view of God’s working in his life upside down.

How about you? Are you ready to let God do what he needs to do in your life? Have you come to the point where you are prepared to accept that it is not only okay, but probably good, that God has a very different view of what needs to be done in your life?

Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus produced some of the most life transforming statements human language has ever recorded. Join us for one of our weekend services. Open yourself up to what God wants to do in your life.

 To watch an excellent video presentation of Jesus’ meeting with Nicodemus, click here.

 Worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm, Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am.

Friday, January 22, 2021


There aren’t many individuals in history like John the Baptist. How many people can you find who would let themselves be thrown under the bus and still keep everyone focused on someone else? But that is exactly what John the Baptist did throughout his life – he pointed people to Jesus Christ.

He knew it wasn’t about himself. He accepted that reality and was very open about it with everyone who asked. And lots of people asked. Yet, patiently, but firmly he always said the same thing, “I’m pointing you to Jesus. He’s the one you’re looking for.” Even when he was in prison, with doubts and fears swirling through his mind, he stayed the course and finished his race just as he started – pointing to Jesus.

Some people might look at John’s life and mutter, “What a waste. He never thought about himself and look where it got him, headless!” But John would have replied, “That kind of comment demonstrates a vision of the short term. I live in the long term because that is where Jesus is.”

You and I are confronted with the same decision: do we look out for ourselves and live in the short term or point the way to Jesus and live in the long term? It is either one or the other. No one can have it both ways. That’s why John spoke as forcefully, even harshly as he did. Eternity hangs on the question we must answer.

If you believe that Jesus is who he claims to be and embrace his long term vision, then your life has the same purpose as John’s – to point the way to Jesus. Have you taken that thought seriously? Join us for one of our weekend worship services. Let John’s story be yours!

Worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm, Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Jesus Pulls Back the Curtain


For those old enough to remember, when it comes to curtains or doors, the image which comes to mind is the face of the venerable Monty Hall of Let’s Make a Deal presenting an outrageously costumed person with the option of Curtain #1, Curtain #2 or Curtain #3. Of course, what followed was the predictable participant reaction of nail biting, jumping up and down and glances to family members in the audience for guidance. Something very good was behind one of those curtains. But that was the problem, which curtain?

People have similar feelings about God. They have a sense he exists and that he even is on their side. It’s as though he is behind a curtain, but they’re not sure which one. With so many religions and philosophies about God, who can know which one to choose?

Two thousand years ago a man by the name of John wrote an account of the life of a very close friend of his. His friend’s name was Jesus Christ. Not only did this Jesus do incredible things like perform miracles, he made even more incredible claims – he said he is God in human form. The title of John’s book is, “The Gospel of John”. In the very first chapter John doesn’t leave any doubt that what he is going to write is unique, for he says, “Jesus Christ pulled back the curtain covering God.” As one translator of John’s work put it, “God became a human being and moved into the neighborhood.”

If you feel that God has been hiding behind a curtain and you’d like to get to know him better, join us for one of our worship services this weekend. Jesus is too good to remain hidden to you.

Worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm, Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Four Gospels – One Jesus

 Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These are the names of the men who wrote the biographies of the life of the most famous and influential person in the history of the world – Jesus Christ. Each author, in his own unique way, presents Jesus as the one and only Savior which the human race so desperately needs to rescue it from the unbreakable grip of death. The writings are ancient, almost two thousand years old. Still, they remain at the top of the best seller list every year. Ironically, though the Gospels are purchased, they are not read. The short reads of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John lay unopened on coffee tables or tucked away in closets. Perhaps it is our disdain for the ancient, or our skepticism of the supernatural or our obsession with the entertaining.

Regardless of our self-made obstacles to reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, their appeal remains the same as it always has: “Read us and your life will be changed.” Does such a claim seem tired and worn out in our culture of exaggerated promises? Don’t let the artificial inhibitions of our culture keep you from the Gospels. This weekend we begin a three month adventure studying the one Jesus through the four Gospels. Join us! Give change a chance!

Worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm, Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Fireworks Life


The fireworks were shockingly spectacular this year. For the first fifteen minutes of the New Year we were surrounded by a furious array of sights and sounds which seemed to take our breath away. And then, as quickly as it started, everything began to quiet down. Slowly at first, but within an hour only the stars in the night sky twinkled and there was silence. Those fifteen minutes of fireworks seemed like a long time while they were exploding. But now, the whole scene feels like a passing mirage. It all came and went so fast.

Human life can develop into a fireworks display. We live for the moment, for the feeling, for the explosions of pleasurable emotions and circumstances. We live for ourselves. We live to be noticed, to be appreciated, to be recognized. And when those things happen, we seem to be living a fireworks life. But how often does that happen? How long does it last? Maybe an even more serious question to consider is, “How long does human life really last?” The obvious answer is, “Not long in the big picture of things.”

There was an old man who briefly encountered the Christ of Christmas when he was just a baby. Simeon was anonymous to most people. He was only “that old man who hangs around”. But even from the few verses the Bible speaks about him, this man Simeon led a quiet, humble and ultimately effective life. There were no fireworks about him, but there was a substance to him that was made of eternity.

What kind of life do you want in 2021: fireworks or eternal effectiveness?

Worship service times: Saturday: 6:00 pm, Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am.

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.