Friday, January 26, 2018

Members or Disciples?

Typically, the size of a church is determined by the number of members it has. A “member” describes a person who has made a confession of faith in Christ and has also committed themself to be a part of that congregation. While membership in a local church is very important in our spiritual lives, it is good for us to remember that when Jesus walked the earth his primary call was to discipleship. While being a member of a church and a disciple of Jesus Christ share many of the same characteristics, it is good for us to remind ourselves of the radical nature of Christ’s invitation to be his disciple.

The word disciple means “follower”. In Jesus’ day a teacher would gather disciples who would live with him. The purpose of this close and ongoing contact was that the life of the disciple would become like that of the teacher.

As we continue to study the Gospel of Mark, this Sunday we are going to delve into what Jesus meant when he invited people to follow him. We’ll find it is so much more than being a member of an organization. Rather, it is an invitation to a lifestyle which touches every area of our lives. Being a disciple of Jesus challenges, corrects and molds those who follow him. Above all, it is an invitation to go on a never-ending adventure with him. Join us for one of our weekend services and start on your adventure with Jesus!

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, January 19, 2018

Measured Miracles

Jesus did some eye-popping miracles causing a variety of reactions. Some people claimed he was a witch doctor. Others said he was a snake oil salesman. Still others totally misunderstood why he performed the miracles and got mad at him for not doing more. It is no wonder Jesus spoke about miracles in a very measured way.

While he claimed the power to do any and every kind of supernatural feat, typically Jesus reserved his miracles for private situations, and even then did everything to keep people from broadcasting what he had done in order to avoid gawkers and others looking for entertainment.

The reaction to miracles among Christians today is as mixed as it was then. Some question if miracles still happen. Others wonder if there is a need for them. And a whole lot of believers would like to know what’s keeping them from experiencing a miracle!

This Sunday we are going to be studying two events in the ministry of Christ which give us a glimpse of how he saw and used his miraculous powers. If you’ve been wondering about the role of miracles in the 21st century, join us for one of our weekend services.

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, January 12, 2018

The God Who Stoops

There is something about a dignified adult stooping down to speak with a little child that brings a smile to our faces. It’s a powerful gesture that sends the message to the child, “You’re important to me, so important that I am willing to get down to your level so that we can have a conversation.”

When you think about the events of this past Christmas season, wasn’t it really all about God stooping, getting down to our level so that he could not only communicate with us, but above all to do something about the unbreakable grip evil and death has on us?

The act of stooping demonstrates an attitude of commitment and concern. Is that what you think of when you consider Jesus? Do you see the all-powerful Son of God putting aside everything that has to do with being God and coming down to our level in the greatest rescue mission in history? Do you let his commitment to you be the foundation of how you see yourself in this world? Do you remind yourself often that God considers you so important, he was willing to stoop for you?

This Sunday we’re going to be studying Jesus’ baptism and temptation in the wilderness. These are the first events of his three-year ministry. And both portray our God who is willing to get down to our level, get dirty in the brokenness of our world so that we might have hope that no one or nothing can ever take away.

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, January 5, 2018

Lone Voices in a Sea of Apathy

In a recent article on evangelism describing the difficulties of reaching out to people with the message of Christ, the author described a large number of Americans as “apathetic” spiritually. He went on to say that these people have no real interest in God or what he means to their lives. If you have ever tried to talk about Jesus with someone, you very well may have had the same experience.

Living in such a spiritual wasteland can leave Christians feeling like we are lone voices calling out but our words are falling on deaf or plugged up ears. 2000 years ago a man named John started preaching in a literal wilderness a few miles east of Jerusalem. He was one man with a stern yet electrifying message and the result was no less charged. One person can make a difference – especially when the message is supernatural.

John the Baptist didn’t have a comfortable life nor a storybook ending. Actually, his death was gruesome. But this lone voice marked the beginning of the movement which changes everything – he signaled the coming of Jesus Christ.

Did John understand the reasons for all the things which happened in his life? Did he appreciate the significance of his work? Probably not. But his lone voice remained strong until his last breath. If you feel a connection with John the Baptist and what he lived through, join us this weekend for one of our services. Together, let’s unite our lone voices so that the world hears the message it so desperately needs.

Saturday, January 6 evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday, January 7 morning worship: 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.