Friday, October 27, 2017

Growing Roots

Cutting down a tree usually doesn’t take that much time if you have a good chain saw and lumberjack skills. Removing the stump of the tree, well, that’s a different matter. Stump removal doesn’t require much talent, but it always demands a lot of hard work. And that’s because of the roots. Over the years the roots of a healthy tree plunge downward and spread out, looking for precious water to nourish the trunk and limbs. To make it even more difficult, a tree has several large root networks originating at the bottom of the stump. Those roots are what keep the tree upright, even in the most violent winds. Hurricanes might break trees in two, but rarely is a tree uprooted. Plain and simple, roots are essential to the health and well-being of any tree.

As Christians we need to sink our spiritual roots deep into Christ. Each day we face the storms of problems, suffering and temptations. To weather those assaults, our root system must be well developed, feeding our faith and holding us firm. During his ministry, Jesus gave his followers two powerful ways to grow strong spiritual roots – the sacraments of Baptism and Communion.

While most Christians are pretty familiar with these sacred acts, are we benefitting from them as much as Jesus intends? Throughout most his life, Martin Luther lived in danger of being killed by a variety of people who believed he was better off dead than alive. To face this kind of stress on a daily basis, Luther talked much about the strength and comfort he received from his baptism and by regularly taking Communion. Do you find yourself spiritually feeling more like a ship tossed about on a tumultuous sea rather than a sturdy oak tree withstanding tornado force gusts? Join us this weekend for one of our services. Together let’s celebrate what God offers us in the sacraments. More than that, let’s use them to grow the roots of our faith.

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, October 20, 2017


The saying, “Everybody has a role to play,” refers to the importance of people carrying out their unique responsibility in a given situation and restraining themselves from taking on a function that was not assigned to them. When someone does overstep their bounds by trying to do something they weren’t trained to do, the consequences are often disastrous.

For the last two thousand years, there has been a struggle in society to define the proper roles of the Christian Church and political governments. This has been called the “Church and State” debate. At times the Church has seized the authority of political governments and ended up losing its mission of representing Christ on earth. At other times governments have tried to eliminate Christianity and the result has been genocide.

One of the great Reformation themes deal with the God-given division of duties of the Christian Church and political governments. The rediscovery of the Bible teachings regarding Church and State has revolutionized Western civilization since that time. While this topic may seem to be something from the dust pile of history, it remains an explosive issue today. From those who would remove every vestige of God from the public forum to the growing influence of Islam which sees no separation between religion and the State, there are many conflicting views. It’s important for the informed Christian to know what the Bible says. You’re invited to join us for one of our weekend services.

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Call to the Important Life

I sleep in late
Another day
Oh what a wonder
Oh what a waste.
It’s a Monday
It’s so mundane
Courtney Barnett – Avant Gardener

Courtney Barnett, at the young age of 29, bluntly describes the way some people feel about life – it’s a waste. Each new day is only reason to sleep in because life has nothing to offer other than a boring, mind-numbing routine. It seems odd that at a time in history with so many opportunities to explore pursuits people never dreamed of even 100 years ago, many see life as nothing more than the same old, same old.

A man named Martin Luther lived in a period of history that many would regard as absolutely depressing due to the overwhelming amount of repetitious manual labor which was required just to stay alive. But there was a fire in Luther that burned within him, a fire that wanted to know God and what life was all about. When Luther came to understand who the God of the Bible is and what he has done for us, his daily life began to make sense. And what a revolution he started. Instead of seeing his life as “just another brick in the wall” of meaningless human history, Luther experienced human life as an extension of God’s working in the world. Regardless of a person’s situation, being connected to Jesus Christ, means their life is connected with the eternal.

Whether it’s Monday or Friday, there is no such thing as a mundane day. Every day for a follower of Jesus Christ is the opportunity to change forever. If you find yourself wanting to sleep in a little too much because you don’t feel your life has importance, join us for one of our weekend services. Accept the call to the important life!

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, October 6, 2017

Grace, Only Grace

One day Christian writer CS Lewis passed by a seminar at Oxford University about world religions and heard some very heated debate going on inside the room. He asked what the seminar participants were arguing about and was told, “They are trying to find out if there is any teaching in one certain religion that can’t be found in any of the others, something totally unique.” Lewis laughed and said, “That’s an easy one – grace,” and he walked away.

Grace – a word that can have many meanings in our daily lives, but when it is used in the Bible, it refers specifically to the most important Christian teaching. Grace is all about God making people right with himself based on Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Being saved, becoming part of God’s family, going to heaven – it happens because of God and not us. He gives it all to us as a gift we don’t deserve.

Grace is hard of us humans. It’s hard to appreciate. It’s hard not to abuse. But when it comes to living and especially dying, there is no more beautiful sound to hear than the word “grace”.
Grace – it is a life changer both now and in eternity. You may feel you have it all, but if you don’t have grace, you don’t have what you need most. Join us for one of our services this weekend, get a fill up of grace.

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.