Friday, May 26, 2017

What to Do with Your Life

The season for graduation is coming to a close this weekend leaving millions of young people during the long Memorial Day weekend to consider the unnerving question, “Now that I’ve graduated, what am I going to do with my life?” Some have a pretty good idea of the direction they intend to take their lives, while others feel clueless. Regardless of where they are at in their planning process, however, every young person wants to have a life of significant value. We all do.

But how does a person measure a significant life? Is it based on how much money we earn? What people think of us? Our personal self-fulfillment? A combination of all of these?

Jesus Christ had a few words to say about the significant life the last time he was visibly present among his disciples. He basically told them: “Be my witnesses wherever you go, whatever you are doing.”

Jesus had a lot to say about money, achievement and fulfillment, but it was always in the light of eternity and who he claims to be. It’s not that he didn’t give these things importance, he just insisted that each one be kept in its proper place in our daily lives.

What about you? Regardless of your age, have you asked the question recently, “What am I doing with my life?” If the answer you come up with is all about things that have a life span of 10-50 years, maybe it would be good to look into something more long term – like being a witness for Christ.

Join us for one of our worship services. You might find you’ll enjoy the long weekend a whole lot more.

Saturday evening: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning: 10:00 am

Friday, May 19, 2017

If There Were No Churches

Yes, yes, it is true that our relationship with Christ is between us and him. No one can believe for us. And no, technically, maybe one could say that it is possible to be a disciple of Jesus without associating in a formal way with other Christians. But let’s be honest, does anyone really believe that Christianity would survive, much less flourish without congregations of Christians who gather regularly to worship Christ and support each other?

Being a follower of Jesus is not about emotional experiences at certain times of life, nor is it a cultural ritual which identifies people as a unique group. It is a daily walk with the Lord and Savior we confess. It is a life of following him through good times and difficult trials. And it is a life lived in his family, the Church. For regardless of all the shortcomings of the Church throughout the ages, the Christian congregation is still the best place to come to know Christ and grow up in the way he wants us to live.

This Sunday we will be having a guest speaker, Pastor Michael Otterstatter, talk with us about the importance of our churches and specifically the need to have well trained pastors and teachers to serve in our congregations. As Vice-President for Mission Advancement at Martin Luther College, Pastor Otterstatter works with people of all ages who are interested in the teaching and preaching ministry. As a result of his work and that of others at Martin Luther College, thousands of lives have been touched for Christ throughout the world.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news – the best news. Celebrate the sharing of that good news with us this Sunday.

Saturday evening: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning: 10:00 am

Friday, May 12, 2017

Good Feelings or Glue?

Good feelings or glue? Sounds like a strange title for an article about Mother’s Day. But if we accept Mother’s Day is so much more than just a sentimental day to superficially say “thanks” to mom, if we see Mother’s Day as a time to examine what a benefit and blessing family is to the human race, then yes, the question “Good feelings or glue?” is very relevant.

In our present moment in history, many are lamenting the state of the family. It seems like in many ways we are redefining what the word means. Much of that has to do with the fact that for many, good feelings are the foundation of the family. If everybody in the family feels good about each other and themselves, then the family stays together. If those good feelings dissipate, suddenly the family disintegrates, each person going his own way in search of good feelings.

The Christian view of family is much different – it is all about glue, the glue of commitment. If people are committed to each other, good feelings can take a back seat in importance enabling the members of a family to achieve incredible accomplishments despite horrendous obstacles. Commitment holds people together in the tough times which is the basis of the profound relationships we human beings were made for.

While every mother is an imperfect human being, there is no doubt that in the human race a mother’s commitment to her children is a universal icon of what we most admire about commitment. And that is why we need to celebrate Mother’s Day. Yes – absolutely – we need to give our moms some long overdue gratitude. But more importantly we all, as Christians, need to reevaluate the role of commitment in our relationships.

And you know the interesting thing about it all is that the more glue you have in your family, the more good feelings you will have.

Join us for one of our worship services this weekend. Get some glue in your life!

Saturday evening: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning: 10:00 am

Friday, May 5, 2017

Discovering the Bible

Do you sense it’s time to start making the Bible more a part of your daily life but you just don’t know where to begin? This Sunday, May 7th at 8:45 am we’ll begin a new Bible class called “Discovering the Bible”. It’s a 4 week study designed to give you a broad overview of the Bible so that your weekly readings can be more meaningful.

Every human relationship is founded on honest and frequent communication. It is no different in our relationship with God. We may be speaking to him with our prayers, but how can we expect an answer from him if our Bibles are closed? Join us this Sunday with the commitment to restore the open lines of communication between yourself and God. Discover the Bible and discover how much he has to say to you.

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

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Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.