Friday, October 28, 2016

Power to the People

Forty years ago the chant “Power to the People” was popular as many individuals expressed a strong desire for their opinions and beliefs to be heard by those in political decision making positions. Whether or not the average person has more political influence today is subject to debate. It is an issue which will probably never be fully resolved.

Five hundred years ago one man shouted “Power to the People”. But it wasn’t based on a political ideology. The man’s name was Martin Luther. His appeal was based on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The power he was calling for was to give all Christians the affirmation that before God every believer is on equal standing through faith in Jesus. He called for the Church of that day to unleash the power of the people in the pew to read the Bible, share Christ with others and be a part of the Church’s mission of taking the Gospel to all nations.

Luther’s appeal worked. We know it today as the Protestant Reformation, a time in history which dramatically changed the course of humanity. The power which Luther talked about 500 years ago is still present and available to Christians today. What a privilege believers have to be part of God’s working in this world. Join us this Sunday. Get the power God offers you!

Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, October 21, 2016

Taking on Tough Times – The Fundamentals

The apostle Peter was a practical man living in tumultuous times. He knew well enough that things were not going to get easier for the young Christian Church and he openly told that to a group of Christians living in modern day Turkey. But rather than write a letter filled with doomsday predictions and hopeless despair, Peter penned a powerful manual on how to handle tough times as a Christian.

Whether problems come from a crumbling society or within our households or even our own bodies, hard difficulties will confront us throughout life. Join us this Saturday evening or Sunday morning as we begin a study of Peter’s first letter. Be prepared not just to survive suffering, but to make a difference for Christ through it.

Saturday night worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Saturday, October 15, 2016

God’s Will – Less Complicated Than You Think

Have you ever tried to surprise a person by doing something you thought they would greatly appreciate, only to discover what you did was the exact opposite of what they wanted? It’s a pretty disappointing experience to say the least.

It isn’t hard to fall into that trap in our relationship with God when we’re trying to figure out what his will is for our lives. Our problem usually develops because we don’t spend a whole lot of time seriously looking at what God says about his will. Instead, we come up with our own ideas, which are typically based on what we like, and then we just assume our plan for our life is God’s plan. When things don’t work out the way we expect, our spiritual life can fall apart. We get mad at God or feel he is unfairly punishing us.

This weekend we’re going to be looking at what God says about his will for our lives and the surprising thing is, it isn’t complicated at all. Maybe that shouldn’t be surprising, because God isn’t in to making things harder than they need to be.

If you’re confused about where God is leading you in life, join us for one of our services and make a start on enjoying the life the Lord intends for you.

Saturday night worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Thursday, October 6, 2016


“You Christians talk so much about how loving your God is but then you say he sends people to hell where they suffer forever. How can that be loving?!?!”

There’s no getting around it, the whole subject of hell is a challenging one. The Bible does clearly teach there is a hell and yet on the other hand tells us that God made the ultimate sacrifice of his Son to keep human beings out of hell. The two concepts put side by side seem almost contradictory.

While it is impossible to talk about the subject of hell without affecting our emotions, we do need to look at this issue from God’s point of view. And doesn’t that make sense since he is the One who tells us about the afterlife?

Certainly no one sermon or Bible class will satisfy all our doubts and fears in regard to human life after death, but we can make a good start at coming to grips with these teachings both on a personal basis and also in our witnessing to others. Yes, it’s a serious topic. But so is dying. To face death without knowing about heaven and hell, well…that seems almost impossible.

Saturday night worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Tolerance Is Not Always Best

Living in a society which emphasizes being tolerant of differing ways of thinking and behavior has led to the unfortunate label that Christians are against everything. But it is just common sense that no one is tolerant of everything. Can you imagine asking even the most tolerant of people to be tolerant of the fact that his brand new car has been stolen and totaled?

Over the past few years Christians have been so fiercely criticized for our beliefs concerning abortion and homosexuality that many are afraid even to bring these subjects up. Names like “wingnut” and “homophobe” are common descriptions of Christians who hold to the value of human life and Christian sexuality.

While we may be tempted to “go along” in order to “get along”, such thinking doesn’t fit with Jesus’ description of his followers: “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world.” We as Christ’s representatives in this world need to embrace our role in reaching out to people and that involves a serious study of these controversial subjects. Join us for one of our services this weekend. Be a part of transforming the Church from the “people who are against” to the “people who care enough to reach out to others in love”.

Saturday night worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.