Friday, January 29, 2016

Build Your Family on the Rock

The young couple gaze into each other’s eyes as he slowly repeats the words, “I promise to be faithful to you, as long as we both shall live.” A tear drop falls from her cheek as she does everything to hold herself together at this moment she has dreamed of all her life.

And yet, the magic moment is fleeting. The months and years go by and something is lost in the relationship. The romance, the tenderness…it just isn’t there like it used to be. Then the doubts begin. “Was he really the right one? Why did he change?” The cracks in their marriage have become noticeable and if something is not done, they will turn into gaping holes which will eventually tear the two apart.

Family is hard. Let’s be honest. Husbands, wives, children – we’re all self-centered and without the right motivation, that “me first” attitude will destroy all our close relationships.

Jesus talked about building our lives on the “rock” of his person and his teaching. This weekend we are celebrating God’s gift of family in the most effective way possible – by seeing what he teaches us about the family unit which he himself instituted. Join us for our Saturday seminar and one of the two weekend worship services. Get your family back on the rock solid foundation it needs to go the distance – Jesus Christ!

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, January 22, 2016

What Is More Important to You: To Be Accepted by People or God?

It would be nice to answer that question with, “God”, but the reality of everyday living demonstrates a much different priority for most people. The way we dress, the music we listen to, the cars we drive (and the list can go on and on) demonstrate we human beings have a tremendous fear of being rejected by other people. No, it may not be a blatant, verbal, “Get out of here, I can’t stand you” type of rejection. But simply being ignored has just as powerful an effect on us.

Our concern over what people think of us leads to a yo-yo life which is often based on our own impressions and hypotheses. How often don’t we conclude people dislike us based only on a look or a single statement or even on the fact that the other person didn’t say something we thought they should have said. And we end up building a self-image whose foundation is made up of our personal impressions and feelings. It really is enough to drive anyone crazy!

Some of the most crucial teachings of Christianity deal directly with the issue of our worth as an individual and our reason for being on this earth. In both cases, the answers the Bible gives have nothing to do with what other people think of us. If you’ve been living a yo-yo life, worrying about what other people think about you, it’s time to put an end to being a slave to endless highs and lows and start building your life on the rock solid foundation of who God is and what he means to you.

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Friday, January 15, 2016

Are You Frozen in a Fear of Failing?

It is all too easy to settle into a routine of life, even if that routine isn’t all that fulfilling. After a few years the known seems safe and secure, even if we dream of a life with more significant activities.

Maybe it was a bad experience in the past when we tried something new, something different and we failed miserably. Or, it might be our parents tended to be negative about anything we tried which was different from their way of looking at life. Whatever the reason, it is easy to find oneself reluctant to try new things or get involved in challenging projects. When we do make the attempt, we sabotage ourselves, falling victim to procrastination or excessive anxiety. We end up telling ourselves, “I should have never tried in the first place. I knew it wasn’t going to work.” And so, unless our success is 100% guaranteed, we settle for a mediocre life of the “same old, same old”.

Fear isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. There are some dangers which should definitely cause us to be afraid because if we ignore those fears, we could end up hurting ourselves or someone else very seriously. But that kind of fear is usually pretty easy to identify. The fear which cripples us from growing as Christian people can be subtle and difficult to uncover.

Join us for one of our weekend services as we continue our series “Facing Fear with Jesus”. We’ll be looking at what Jesus said about debilitating fear and how we can overcome it with his help. If you are frozen in a fear of failing, maybe it’s time to hear what Jesus has to say and start thawing out!

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Saturday, January 9, 2016

What Do You Fear?

Fear has a way of paralyzing our ability to act, leaving us helpless to take the needed action to overcome whatever it is we are afraid of. For some it is a fear of failing, for others pain and probably for all of us, there is the fear of dying.

What about God? Do you fear God? For most Christians, we would say, “No, I don’t fear God, I love him because he loves me!” And that would be a good answer. Still, there are dozens of verses in the Bible which speak of the necessity of fearing God. In fact, it isn’t until we learn to have a healthy fear of God that we are able to fully overcome the other fears in our lives.

This Sunday we are going to start a new sermon series entitled “Facing Fear with Jesus”. Maybe you are worried about the future or taking on a new responsibility or entering a relationship. We’ll be looking at those things which cause us to be afraid to move ahead in our lives and what Jesus says about them. But the basis of any victory over fear in this life begins with a proper fear of God.

Join us for one of our weekend services and start overcoming your fears.

Saturday evening worship: 6:00 pm
Sunday morning worship: 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.