Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.

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A Member Church of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Friday, May 3, 2024

No More Killing Time


One reaction to profound tragedy is for a person to become frantically busy with all sorts of unimportant tasks or projects. It’s a way of deflecting the pain and fear caused by our circumstances. Constant activity does nothing to resolve the problem, but rather keeps one from thinking about it. Social commentators have described the daily lives of many Americans in a similar way. 

We are busy – extraordinarily busy. Watch people drive their cars, walk through the grocery store, even eat their food. We’re fast in everything because we always have somewhere to go and something to do. Sometimes we have to stop in the middle of what we are doing to check what comes next! 

We celebrate our busyness and brag about it to other people, in a humble way, “I’m exhausted. I just can’t keep up with everything!” But the one thing we do not ask ourselves is: “Am I busy doing what is most important?” It can almost seem that our goal is to be busy, to be occupied doing something. Sometimes people come to this realization in the latter years of their life and will even admit, “I was so busy doing so many things I thought were necessary and I missed out on what was most important.” 

In our society which encourages us to discover for ourselves what our lives are all about, we have unconsciously slipped into killing ourselves with activity only to kill time. Since we’re not sure what the purpose of our lives is, we stay busy so that we don’t have to even think about that question, much less answer it. 

Could it be that the purpose of our lives is not as complex or unknowable as we have made it out to be? Is it possible the answer to a meaningful, noble life is actually quite simple? The answers Jesus Christ offers us for these questions are intriguing to say the least. If you have vague yet recurring thoughts that maybe you are stuck in the rut of killing yourself but are just killing time, join us this Sunday morning for our worship service. You owe it to yourself to start living instead of only being busy. 

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

Friday, April 26, 2024

What Other People Think Matters to Us


We would like to believe we are self-assured of our convictions, that what other people think of us regarding what we believe to be most important in life does not matter. But deep down, we know it does. If someone we respect belittles or criticizes something we value, our thinking is challenged. And usually, we either confront that person and a debate ensues or we walk away and dismiss their opinion as being uninformed and maybe even just plain stupid. What we most often do not do is research and reevaluate the reasons for which we hold to our principles. 

Maybe you’ve been a Christian for a long time, maybe it’s been only recently you’ve put your trust in Christ as your Savior and Lord. Regardless of how long you’ve identified yourself as a Christian, you’ve realized that you live in a world that is at best, apathetic towards Jesus and at worst, hostile to him. The One you value most in your life, the majority of people you spend time with think he is completely irrelevant. What makes it even more unnerving is that many of these folks are very moral, they are enjoyable to be around, they’re educated and successful. It is impossible to live long as a Christian and not ask, “Is what I believe about Jesus true?”     

For the last four weeks, each Sunday we have studied the eternity changing implications on our lives of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One last, but extremely essential question needs to be raised, “Did Christ really rise from the dead?” More than 5 billion people living today believe he did not. What are the solid, convincing reasons we believe he did? If you are unsure of those reasons, join us for our worship service this Sunday. Discover why the best response to the question, “What happened to the crucified Jesus” continues to be:

“He has risen!

He has risen indeed!” 

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

Hawaii Lutheran Church (WELS)

My photo
Honolulu, HI
Community Lutheran Church holds protestant chapel services in Honolulu, Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, HI. We are next to the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hickam Air Force Base, and Fort Shafter Hawaii. Look for us directly behind the Salt Lake, Hawaii, Target.